5 Reasons You Might Need a Writing Consultant

1. You can’t write your way out of a paper bag — you literally can’t write a complete sentence to save your life. 🙂 A writing consultant can coach you on what you need to improve.

2. You have the map, but you need the directions. You may know what you want to write, but not how to get started. That’s OK. Not everyone is born with a sense of navigation; it doesn’t always come naturally. A consultant can guide you.

3. Plain English is like a foreign language to you. Someone needs a jargon translator to understand your writing. No matter how you say it, it still comes out like you’re speaking business-ese. Don’t worry. A consultant can help you use simpler words and sentences.

4. You just don’t have the time to organize your writing. You struggle with putting your words together in a way that satisfies you. Your writing consultant can advise you on how to make your writing flow and sound like you.

5. You can’t focus on writing. You just have too many distractions — your smartphone, social media, or random work tasks — and can’t sit down to scribble some content. A consultant can help you focus all the way to the finish line.

Need help? Find out more about how a Classy Writing consultation will keep you on your toes while you polish your prose.


“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” ~ Ben Franklin

“If we are not willing to fail we will never accomplish anything. All creative acts involve the risk of failure.” ~ Madeleine L’Engle

Comments? Suggestions? Need help? Feel free to contact me.

Michelle Troutman