5 Ways to Refresh Your Writing

1. Take a break – A vacation from your typical writing routine, a day off, or just letting a troublesome piece “sleep” overnight can refresh your writing. Time away can ease your thought process to help you find new ways to string words together.

2. Use a different approach – Challenge yourself. Set small writing goals. It could be as simple as starting a new article differently each time. You could choose to open one with an interesting quote, then begin the next one with a question. Play around with the concept and see how minor changes can revamp your work.

3. Look around – See what others have written. For instance, have they come up with innovative social media posts? Looking at different writing styles can teach you a lot about other approaches. Perhaps the competing brand, like Progressive Insurance, uses a distinct style, such as humor, to make waves. A few changes that suit your business or organization and its image can help you redefine your marketing.

4. Try figures of speech – Similes and metaphors use comparisons for more descriptive writing; they help explain concepts. A simile contrasts one thing with something different, while a metaphor states that thing is something else. Each one can make your writing more lively and interesting.

Example of a simile: “The salesman was as slick as a salamander.”
Example of a metaphor: “Icicles are stalactites, hanging with pointed tips from the gutters of my she shed.”

5. Share a story – Anecdotes from your life related to the topic — often humorous ones or those that teach a lesson — make a memorable impression. Those experiences are unique to you, but some of us can relate to them. Joey Havens of CPA and business advisory firm Horne LLP uses storytelling effectively in his beBetter blog posts.

What has helped you refresh your writing? Feel free to comment below.

Need help polishing your prose? Contact me.


“To refresh your writing, make time for creativity.” ~ Russell Working, Ragan Communications

“Social media’s like a bakery. You can lose credibility, goodwill, and fans by serving up stale and boring content.” ~ Mike Houdeshell

Comments? Suggestions? Need help with your communications? Contact me.

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