5 Steps to Effective Professional Email Writing

1. Relax. For professional email writing, don’t proofread your messages after you click “send.” 🙂 Take your time. When we rush, we tend not to check dates, spelling, punctuation, and grammar. That includes people’s names. If you misspell your recipients’ names, they will notice. Spellcheck doesn’t always catch that. So, take a break and return to edit that email — a few more seconds can leave a better impression.

2. Double-check — everything. If you plan to send them, don’t forget to include attachments. I’ve made adding files after I open my blank email and type my subject line a habit.

3.  Be polite. In my “dot com” career, our editorial policies stated that in professional email writing it’s rude to reply to a message after two days have passed. I still try not to let that much time fly. And include a greeting. Unless company guidelines and certain situations dictate otherwise, especially if you’re acquainted with your recipient, it’s OK to start your email with a “hi” or a “hello.” Remember to thank your recipient(s).

4. Get to the point. Put yourself in your reader’s shoes. He or she might have a long to-do list. Write emails that need short replies. Keep your words concise, both in the subject line and in the body. Use bullet points or asterisks to break up long sentences.

5. Tone = up. If you must offer criticism, or break bad news, call or meet in-person. Strike a balance between formality and informality, especially if you’re unfamiliar with your receiver. Email tends to be an expressionless form of communication, and the tone of a message can sometimes be misinterpreted; strive for a pleasant one. Refrain from a lot of emoticons or exclamation points. Vary the length and rhythm of your sentences so they’re not repetitive or robotic. You don’t have to end your emails with a salutation — like when you write a letter — but they make an email friendlier (“Cheers,” “Best regards,” “Best wishes”).

Does your writing need a dash of “class”? Contact me for help.

The Classy Writing Blog

Healthcare Email Marketing: Best E-Newsletters

“These are a few in the health and wellness industries that are on the mark with their marketing….” Read more.


“We’re now seeing email that people thought they had deleted showing up as evidence in court. You can’t erase email. As that becomes more commonly realized, people will be a little wiser about what they type.” ~ Judith Martin (Miss Manners)

“Email, instant messaging, and cell phones give us fabulous communication ability, but because we live and work in our own little worlds, that communication is totally disorganized.” ~ Marilyn Vos Savant

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Michelle Troutman