1. Read – Well-written books and articles can help you improve your editing through exposing you to different words and writing styles. Grammar and editing guides also offer plenty of advice on English usage.
2. Cut – Try removing words from your sentences; if they don’t add to the overall meaning, they’re often not necessary.
3. Get expert help – If you’re uncomfortable with words, or feel you need more than a little advice, talk to someone you trust who knows English well. Ask them to mark up one of your pieces so you can see where you need to improve. Or talk to an experienced pro (like me). Many of us are better at editing others’ work than we are at our own.
4. Use software – Grammar apps and software with spell-check can help. If time is tight, they can ease the editing process, but they don’t catch everything.
5. Practice – As your confidence grows and you gain a better understanding of the basics of good writing, edit others’ work. One way to do this is to join a writing group.
What has helped you improve your editing? Feel free to comment below.
Need help with your editing or proofreading? Contact me to fix the flow and sound like a pro.
“In art, economy is always beauty.” ~ Henry James
“When in doubt, delete it.” ~ Philip Cosby
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