5 Examples of Engaging Content Ideas

To build on my newsletter, these are some engaging content ideas to connect better with readers:

1. Edit and proofread – Errors interrupt the flow of a passage. If your audience isn’t educated, you might get away with it. But, it’s often better to be safe than sorry. Your words affect your credibility and trustworthiness. Letting your errors show is like letting weeds grow on well-trimmed grass.

Example: “Figthing” Irish — a few years ago, commemorative cups sold at a University of Notre Dame Fighting Irish game sported a typo that caused them some embarrassment. Don’t let it happen to you. 🙂

2. Write like you speak. Formal English has its place, but simpler words persuade readers as well as complex ones.

Example: “To whom it may concern:”
Revised: “Dear [name of person/department]:”

3. Stay tuned. Studying your audience and ways to market to them can give you a clearer picture of how to connect with them.

4. Stay short. Which do you prefer?

5 Writing and Editing Tips to Help you Connect with Customers


5 Steps to More Engaging Content

5. Variety = spice. Mix it up to make it more interesting.

Example: These are this year’s Big Business Award winners. We congratulate them for their dedication to customer satisfaction. We can’t wait to see who will win next year.

ABC Company
EFG Securities
KLM Wireless
XYZ Mobile


Revised: Congratulations to our 2015 Big Business Award winners for their dedication to customer satisfaction:

ABC Company | KLM Wireless
EFG Securities | XYZ Mobile

We can’t wait to see who will win next year! Will your business be next? For more details, see our website.

What do you think? Do you have any more engaging content ideas?

To increase your engagement, contact me for a free consultation.

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