5 Simple Ideas for Content to Post on Social Media

Are you stuck for great feed fodder? Especially if you’re pitching for regular content to post on social media in a pinch, it can be hard to find interesting, “post-worthy” material beyond company news and events. These ideas have worked for me, and I hope they’ll work for you.

1. “Trending” topics can make your social media feeds surge. Watch what’s happening on social media homepages and creatively tie those topics to your business or organization.  Holidays and seasonal events are often a great excuse for inspiring, popular posts, too.  Vertical Response offers a helpful content calendar, which applies not just to newsletters.

This calendar includes moon phases, worldwide holidays, and other important and not-so-important events — everything from Christmas to National Homemade Bread Day and Make Up Your Mind Day.

2. As I mentioned in my newsletter, images in your posts can boost impressions. If you’re stuck for free, public domain graphics, these sites have helped me find decent ones for my content:

3. Do you have favorite quotes? Enticing images featuring quotes, also known as “memes,” can lead to several shares. And you don’t need design skills to make them look spiffy. This site features some helpful links to free quote image creators, such as Pablo, which I’ve used successfully.

4. If you have an archive of blog posts and other online articles, post links to them, especially if you can tie them to trendy topics or events, or cut that content into tidbits for several posts. This method has helped me create social media posts when time is tight.

5. Did you enjoy an article in your Twitter feed or in your inbox? Share it. And, of course, posts by others you follow in your social media feeds, especially when you comment on them, can increase your engagement and your followers.

I hope these suggestions will make your search for content to post on social media painless. What are some of your tips? Have any better ideas? Feel free to share.

And if you need help with your writing, don’t hesitate to contact me.

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