5 Steps to Consistent Brand Messaging, Language, and Style

1. Check your mission statement – Ask yourself some questions to explore your brand messaging, language, and style: Why are you in business? What are your core values? What’s your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)? If you have one, borrow keywords from your mission statement. Otherwise, follow the next step and create one through finding your “why” to keep your brand messaging, language, and style consistent.

2. Make it personal – Who do you want to reach? Think of the people you want to appeal to when you write your content, their problems, or what might keep them awake. In the process, you could have a story to tell. Add keywords and descriptions from it to your tagline, your website or blog copy, social media, press releases, and other marketing materials.

3. Find your voice – What kind of tone or mood do you want to convey in your marketing? What voice will you use to speak to your ideal customers? What kind of personality do you want to project? And does it align with your mission statement and values? Thinking about these aspects can help you arrive at more specific wording that can increase your brand recognition and form your overall messaging.

Example: In a brief video, Michael Monteforte, Jr. of Monteforte Law P.C. tells potential clients what motivated him to pursue estate planning, how he works with clients, and helps them. Also on their “About Us” page, the firm effectively explains what separates it from others; many firms don’t differentiate themselves from their competitors well. Michael comes across as a plain-spoken, clear communicator who cares about finding the right solutions for his clients.

4. Create a company style guide – It can help you clarify your wording, punctuation, email formatting, and other content, which can guide you or any employees. It may also set your design standards, from the logos and fonts to the colors you use. Update it regularly.

5. Enforce company communication policies – Once your style guide is in place, include it as part of an overall communications policy to ensure all your messaging stays on brand. Don’t stray from your talking points, which form the image you want to project. Do regular content or messaging audits. Your communications policy may also outline strategies for responding to a crisis.

Need help with your messaging to build your image and boost your success? Consider a free business writing coaching consultation.


How do *you* keep your brand messaging consistent? Feel free to comment below.


“Define what your brand stands for, its core values and tone of voice, and then communicate consistently in those terms.” ~ Simon Mainwaring

“If you don’t give the market the story to talk about, they’ll define your brand’s story for you.” ~ David Brier

Published Feb. 7, 2023