5 More Common Punctuation Errors

1. Misplacing apostrophes when referring to decades (1970’s).

2. Placing hyphens between words that shouldn’t be hyphenated. When in doubt, check your dictionary; generally, you hyphenate words to avoid confusion in understanding the meaning of a sentence.

3. Using semicolons for items in a series. Semicolons and commas provide appropriate pauses between words and sentences, but they’re used differently. Commas separate independent clauses and items in a series, etc.; semicolons create a pause between sentences in place of a period.

4. Putting only one apostrophe (or none) in place of “and” between two nouns in informal writing (e.g., rock n roll).

5. Using dashes to introduce items in a series.

The Classy Writing Blog

How to Fix More Common Punctuation Errors‏

“Don’t follow the blunderers — be a leader and punctuate properly….” Read more.


Em dash or en dash.
On typewriters it’s easy,
On keyboards, less so. ~ Craig Harrison

For some odd reason, I’ve always been interested in punctuation. It’s just always been that one subset of literacy that has really intrigued me. I still sit around and read the paper, and sometimes I have a red Sharpie in my hand. I play a little game: How many errors can I find today? ~ Jeff Rubin, “father” of National Punctuation Day®, Not to Put Too Fine a Point on It, This Guy Cares About Writing’s Jots and Tittles

Comments? Suggestions? Need help? Feel free to contact me.

Michelle Troutman