5 Common Proofreading Errors to Avoid

1. Dates and times — When you refer to any of these, make sure that you include them. It’s easy to name an event and then not mention when it happens. Also, ensure they’re correct, and if you’ll include the day of the week, that it’s also right (e.g., Tuesday, not Wednesday), otherwise, no one will attend, especially if you host your grand opening on April 31st.

2. Math — Always check that all numbers you reference truly add up, which is important, not just for the mathematically-challenged.

3. Links — Whether your document is for online or offline reading, always check all links if you want your readers to get somewhere.

4. Incompleteness — If you’ve just hosted a successful fundraiser, and you’ve thanked staff in your newsletter, did you remember to thank any volunteers, and of course, your donors? To them, these are true “sins of omission.”

5. Missing pieces — If you forward someone’s email address to a colleague, it can be embarrassing if you fail to include that email address in your message. So, always double-check your writing and the details within it before other people see it.


“Those who seldom make mistakes, seldom make discoveries.” ~ John Marks Templeton.

“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” ~ Conrad Hilton

Comments? Suggestions? Need help? Feel free to contact me.

Michelle Troutman
Classy Writing